Monday, September 28, 2009


Narrative Info
Helpful Qs: What kind of story is being told in each sequence?How much of the story is revealed to the audience?

Legally Blonde:

Camera follows a card addressed to the main character - Elle
- As it does so a sunny, perfect looking, materialistic campus is revealed – fountains, mowed lawns, massive houses, boys messing around, girls striving to look perfect (working out, doing their make up) - Everyone seems happy so something will probably go wrong to create a problem or some sort of conflict later on.
- We know a lot about Elle by the end of the sequence (throughout it we see her getting ready) but her identity is built up and kept from us until the card reaches her room, as she is the most important character

- Unlike Legally Blonde we’re introduced to the main character straight away, not much is held back as a minute into the sequence we see the dead body in a pool of blood signifying that this is a thriller with a crime and a mystery of whodunit
- Another difference is that we already see conflict between the characters and things seem far from perfect, we are introduced to the 2 detectives, they start a conversation and we expect a partnership will form but there are already signs of them not getting along.
- In both sequences, expectations are built up of where the story will go. We expect something to go wrong in seemingly perfect Elle’s life and in Se7en a crime has taken place and the detectives have to solve the mystery, we also expect them to have seven days to solve the mystery as the sequence begins with Monday signifying the beginning of the case.

Character Types
Helpful Qs: What are your first impressions of the characters you see?
What role do you think the characters will play in their respective storylines?

- Although the characters are very different, in both sequences we learn a lot about the main characters in the first few minutes by the way other characters react to them, the way they act themselves and the props that surround them.

Legally Blonde:
- Main character is very typically girly and rich – lots of pink in her room, makeup, perfume, designer shopping bags etc
- She’s at college and very popular - homecoming queen and class president, lots of people sign her card and care is taken for it to reach her
- She seem to be likeable as she seems to be liked by everyone and also quite innocent and childish - seeing as she is presented so perfectly something bad is bound to happen to her.

- By the way he gets dressed, the main character appears a careful, considered and thoughtful character - he does things a certain way (metronome turned on to get him to sleep)
- The way he lies awake at night suggests internal conflict- maybe worrying about the past or future (unlike Elle who is carefree and materialistic)
- He is retiring which suggests he is very experienced at his job but…
- Unlike Elle in Legally Blonde, his colleagues don’t respect him or seem to like him as he questions everything about the crime scene - we side with him because he seems to be the ‘good guy’ that wants the truth and justice - so he may be the one that solves the crime in the film
- Unlike in legally blonde where everyone on campus looks the same (perfectly groomed and happy)and is the same age, there is contrast between Brad Pitt ‘s character who is young, relaxed and easy going with Morgan Freeman’s character who is older, more experienced, and thoughtful.

Shot Types
Identify at least 3 different shot types/camera techniques used in each sequence
Explain the impact on the audience

Legally Blonde:
- 1st shot is out of focus CU of blonde hair which then become in focus – dreamy effect-idealism
- Pan across campus as girl rides bike across- people playing, fountain, sunny weather and sunlight reflecting off the water presents an idea of perfection and idealism (reinforced by the soundtrack)
- Tracking of people holding the card shows the journey of the card and the care taken to make sure it is delivered - she is obviously an important, popular character
- CUs of perfume, make up etc reinforce her image as a girly girl
- Lots of bright colour, opening credits are glowing pink with curly writing- perfection

- 1st shot seems like we’re watching him, we’re hidden by the furniture as if we can see him but he cant see us = sinister, stalker effect
- Not much colour - even the pool of blood isn’t red, contrasts and shadows, quite dark, very gloomy and rainy – nothings perfect (like in LB)
- Opening credits - lots of fast paced, distorted images presents a psychotic but very careful and specific killer
- LA of the 2 detectives in conversation outside- looks up at them and the rain = gloomy, stalker effect
- -Zoom in to Morgan Freeman and metronome as he tries to sleep = something is on his mind, conflicted character