Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Preliminary Task Evaluation

What did you think was the point to the activity?
~ To break and then learn the rules of continuity

What works about the finished sequence?
+ Establishing shot shows you the setting
+ It is easy to understand what the character is doing and what happens
+ Match on action from 2nd to 3rd shot
+ The fast pace of the shots as he is running
+ Last shot - onlooker- out of the action = funny
+ Handheld = variety - live, dramatic
+ Shot reverse shot- whipped round 180

+ This LA shot introduces the cone

What would you improve about your sequence?
- Establishing shot is a bit too long
- Some of the shots do not flow well
E.g. 2 shots that are too similar next to eachother- 30 degree rule- almost a jump cut

What did you learn from doing this activity?
~ Shot reverse shot
~ Match on action
~ 180 and 30 degree rules
~ Mastershots are filmed to go back to from other shots